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    更新时间:2017-09-22 09:13:11点击次数:8011次

    青岛PG电子新能源科技有限公司关于美国METGLAS, INC. 和日本HITACHI METALS, LTD.对中国出口美国的非晶合金带材发起337调查申请的声明

    2017年9月20日,青岛PG电子新能源科技有限公司(以下简称“我公司”)初步从新闻媒体上了解到:美国METGLAS, INC. 和日本HITACHI MENTALS, LTD.向美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)提出申请,请求对包括我公司在内的多家中国企业出口到美国的非晶合金带材(AMR)进行337调查。


    我公司对现有非晶合金带材(AMR)生产技术具有自主知识产权。美国METGLAS, INC. 和日本 HITACHI METALS, LTD. 所提起的调查申请对我公司的指控纯属子虚乌有,毫无依据,纯属猜测和臆断,其行为已严重侵害了我公司的商誉和合法权益。我公司将依据国际规则和法律积极维护合法权益,并保留通过法律途径追究美国METGLAS, INC. 和日本 HITACHI METALS, LTD.责任的权利。



    A Statement of Qingdao Yunlu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. on the Application of 337 Investigation for Chinese companies’ Exportation of Amorphous Metal Ribbon into the United States Filed by METGLAS, INC. and HITACHI METALS, LTD.
    On September 20th, 2017, Qingdao Yunlu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (“Our Company”) is told that the US company METGLAS, INC. and Japanese company HITACHI METALS, LTD. apply to the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) to request a 337 investigation on the exportation of Amorphous Metal Ribbon(“AMR”) to the United States of certain Chinese companies which include our company. 
    Our Company Solemnly Declares:
    Our Company fully owns the intellectual property rights on our AMR technology. The allegations made by METGLAS, INC., and HITACHI METALS, LTD. have no evidence, and they are purely ridiculous and assumptive. Their behaviors have seriously infringed our reputation and legal rights and interests. Thereby, Our Company will actively protect our lawful rights and interests according to relevant international laws and rules, and retain the right to pursue the legal liabilities of METGLAS, INC. and HITACHI METALS, LTD.
    Hereby Declare!
    Qingdao Yunlu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
    September 22th, 2017

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