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    更新时间:2017-11-01 17:27:28点击次数:6091次

    2017年 10月26日,青岛PG电子新能源科技有限公司(简称“我公司”)获悉,应美国METGLAS, INC. 和日本HITACHI METALS, LTD.申请,USITC正式立案决定对中国出口美国的AMR产品予以337调查。我公司已于9月22日就美国METGLAS, INC. 和日本HITACHI METALS, LTD.的无端指控,表明立场和态度。USITC最终决定正式立案,我公司深表遗憾。



    A Statement of Qingdao Yunlu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. on USITC’ Institution of 337 Investigation for Chinese Companies’ Exportation of Amorphous Metal Products into the United States Filed by METGLAS, INC. and HITACHI METALS, LTD.

    On October 26th, 2017, Qingdao Yunlu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (Our Company) are noticed that the USITC has voted to institute an investigation of certain amorphous products exported and sold in the United States by Chinese companies based on a complaint filed by METGLAS, INC., and Japanese company HITACHI METALS, LTD. Our company has declared our attitudes on the groundless accusation of METGLAS, INC., and HITACHI METALS, LTD on September 22nd. We regret to hear that USITC has decided to institute the investigation. 

    Our Company reaffirms that we fully owns the intellectual property rights on our amorphous metal ribbon technology (AMR). Our company has always devoted huge effort to independent research and technology development, and the development of related products is the result of our own long-term and continuous investment. 

    In view of the complaints’ false accusation, our company has already hired professional lawyers to prepare for the investigation and determinedly fight for our legal rights. Thereby, we will actively take all measures according to relevant international laws and rules, to strive for fair treatment and legal rights of Chinese AMR industry.

    Qingdao Yunlu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
    October 31, 2017
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